

My apologies for my continued long absence from this blog. I have been very busy with my life. I am continuing to piece together my essays, but my time is limited and there are few essays I can post to this blog. I am currently in the process of trying to arrange another bit of space on the web where I will continue to write on a regular basis using a pen name. The reason for all of this is that Mr. Smith knows about this blog and he continues to visit it. I do not wish this man to use my work to further his own goals and do not want to give him anything he can take and claim as his own work as he has done with all the work I did for him and his "organization", SCRI Foundation. To this day, he refuses to give me credit for the work and refuses to give me the payment we agreed upon for that work. There are possibilities of taking him to court over these things, but my time and options remain very limited. So until such a time as I find another space in which to post my work, there is little for me to write in here. I will try to notify everyone of the move and I will be keeping this blog open regardless, it will just be limited to contain those essays that do not pertain to my work and from which Ian has nothing to gain.

I apologize for the inconvenience and the long bouts of silence. I am doing what I can to get this back up and running on a regular basis while protecting my intellectual property from someone who has made clear that he would use it for profit while taking steps to ensure I cannot use it at all.