Ignorance is not bliss...
And last I checked, no one ever said that hypocrisy was bliss. And yet it seems to run rampant through the world and launched at others from on top of the high horse that our opinions are the opinion.
I generally stay away from the news in all its forms because I greatly dislike all the drama drummed up. H1N1 was/is a prime example of that recently. I caught it from my husband who caught it on our wedding day. It was nothing compared to the normal flu and more like a stubborn cold that produced an ear infection. Sometimes the news finds me, however. Usually these pieces are actually interesting. Sometimes it's just plain irritating. Like all the fusses people make over anothers point of view. Most recently, it was about a Catholic United States Rep. being asked to forgo receiving communion and priests supposedly being informed not to give communion to him. Naturally, this raised a stink, most likely because it's comming from the Catholic church, but who knows why people do these things.
Many seem to think that a religion opposed to abortion and contraception have no business being in a country that has legalized it and that they have less right than anyone else to voice their opinions and even that they are being hypocritical being in the country. Just as many seem to think that the religion is run by nothing more than sexual predators, pedophiles and the like. Honestly, what gives? Oh yeah, there's "something systemic in the Catholic church that turns these men into disgusting human beings." Because only in the Catholic church are there pervets, fetishists, pedophiles and rapists. Yep. No one else in the world is guilty of these things. And what of all the murderers and kidnappers and abusers? Surely our prisons are not filled with Catholic priests!
In that light, I suppose that we should label teachers the same way and lets not forget to label all Muslims as terrorists. What in the world is wrong with people? Abortion wasn't always legal. It's a relatively new thing, actually. A group of people lobbied for the legalization because they believed that women should have the choice and not have to risk their lives getting it done illegally. Personally, I don't agree with abortion, but to each their own. If they feel that is their only option, then so be it. I'll not judge them or condemn them for it. Yet when the church voices it's own opinion that abortion is morally wrong, everyone gets pissed off about it (except the people smart enough to let it be and the people who agree with the church). I see no difference between either group, when it comes down to it, except that they have differing opinions and one is being persecuted for it from a high horse. You don't see this where I live. The church lobbies outside the hospital on a regular basis, promoting anti-abortion. Everyone just takes a glance and goes on about their day. It certainly doesn't make the news and gather an angry mob of people on the internet spewing condemnations. I'm truly glad not to be part of such a country that seems to do this every week and sometimes daily.
Perhaps one reason for the persecution is that people keep throwing around that there is a separation of church and state. Okay. Well, President Bush did a lot to diminish that one to begin with. But what is wrong with them voicing their opinion on a matter they feel strongly about? Because they're from the church. Let someone not from the church voice the same opinion and it's received less indignantly, even if it's no more appreciated or welcomed. These same people are crying out and throwing stones over the fact that this Rep. has effectively been denied communion by the Catholic church because he is a strong proponent of abortion. This is somehow a matter of politics rather than a matter of religion, which I don't get whatsoever. It seems purely about religion to me. This Rep. goes to church and receives communion while going against his faith outside the church. Yes, everyone has a right to their opinion. The Catholic church makes their opinion clear and this Rep. makes his opinion clear.
Now, there are many different schools of thought in Christianity. There are many churches who interpret the word of God and the life of Jesus differently. The Catholic church is the only one that is still against abortion and contraception outside of natural family planning. Does it not stand to reason then that, if you do not believe in the teachings of the religion you are in that you perhaps belong to a different religion? I stopped going to church because I did not believe in everything they stood for. Through my marriage, I'm back to attending and I take from it what I do believe while letting the rest slide by. I do this for my husband and for our future children. I also refrain from going up for communion because I believe that I would be hypocritical in accepting it because I don't believe whole-heartedly in what they teach and certain actions that they take. Mainly, I do it because I do not wish to be a hypocrite.
Some mention that the church should be more accepting of others' beliefs and not deny them anything because their beliefs go against those of the church yet they still wish to participate in said church. 9 out of 10 priests I have known have made clear that, if you are not Catholic in name and in practice, then you are welcome to come forward for a blessing rather than communion. I see no problem with this. I do see a problem with professing to be Catholic while going against the very faith you claim to follow. Yet so many feel righteously vindicated to practice something they don't believe in. This seems strangely like a world of selfish, spoiled children used to getting things the way they want it. No one is holding a gun to your head and making you be Catholic. If you do not agree with their teachings, there are many different teachings and one of them is bound to fit your own beliefs and translations of the church; which, quite frankly are one and the same. Their interpretation of the bible and God is their belief, not just their interpretation that is to be taken however you wish to take it. No one is forcing anyone to be part of anything, so why get so upset over it? Why not let the church have their beliefs and hold true to your own beliefs? Why lie to yourself and claim to be Catholic when you dislike their interpretation and their tennets?
Another amusing comment is that the church is being hypocritical by being against contraception and abortion, yet "bemoan all the starvation and suffering due to famine and overpopulation...." Somehow, this comment figures this means the church expects people to "Keep popping 'em out and watch 'em starve to death...." How so? It's not like the church comes to the doors of Catholics these days and looks to see if your wife is either pregnant or nursing. As a matter of fact, they've provided Catholics with an alternative to contraception. That being natural family planning, which is not just about abstinence, but about viewing everything you do together as a couple as something inately sexual. They are trying to heed the problems of the world and provide practicing Catholics with a way to do be conscious of these things while remaining true to their faith. And what about all the help they extend to the poor, the homeless and those less fortunate than ourselves? How many times does a non-profit organization knock on your door asking for help and you say "sorry, I don't have anyting" even when you do? Yet the church is the one being hypocritical.
Yes, I find a lot of hypocrisy in the church. It's a large reason why I don't receive communion. The things being thrown around in argument as being hypocritical is just laughable. Are the majority of people really so ignorant and blind? You live in a country that spouts freedom and yet you would condemn the freedom of Catholics to practice their religion because they are doing so in a country that has put up laws legalizing things the Catholic church is against. So they're hypocrites for practicing and should leave. Um...they were there before those laws for one. Freedom of speech and freedom of religious belief for another. Or do those things only apply when you say they do? Is an oppressed woman lobbying against oppression in a country where it is legalized a hypocrite? There is far more hypocrisy in the arguments against the church and in the world at large than there is in the church. Double standards all around!! Get your daily dose right here!
The biggest reason for abortion seems to be the case of women who've been raped. To each their own, that's for them to decide if they think it's the only course of action. I was there. I couldn't stomach the idea of aborting the child, and am still troubled by it's natural loss after 5 years. I'd rather give a child up to a loving home than kill it, if I couldn't stand raising the child myself. This is my opinion and I'm not about to make anyone else follow it. But there are always options that don't mean the loss of a life. It's a choice. Be for or against abortion, it makes no difference to me, but be careful when you throw around the word choice. It's also a woman's choice when she kills her own child after it's been born. Should that be legal as well? How about someone who chooses to kill or otherwise harm another human being or an animal dependent on them that they "lovingly" took into their homes and, for some reason, chose to torture and/or kill. If that's what you think, then lets let everyone out of jail today because it was their choice and, for whatever reason, they decided it was something they should do. On the other hand, there are abortions due to life-threatening pregnancies. I don't know about you, but there's a Catholic hospital where I live and they actually perform abortions if it means the life of the mother. Let's face it, chances are, if the mother dies, the child is probably going to die unless it's reached a late enough stage of pregnancy. Most people seem to think the church will let the woman die in the hopes that the child lives. Maybe there are some. I haven't come across them.
In the end, no one forces you to be Catholic and no one forces you to listen to them when they speak out against something they believe is wrong. They are doing what they think is right for the good of everyone/everyone's souls. Just like pro-choicers lobbied for legalization of abortion. They're put up on a pedestal while the church is condemned. It doesn't make much sense at all. Give freedom to all; oh, but wait, not you, you're Catholic. Isn't that a bit hypocritical? I don't uphold your teachings, but I demand my right to receive communion from you! Where's the logic here? Why do you care about Catholic communion when you don't care about the teachings of the Catholic church? There are many other Christian churches. Same God, same Jesus, same prohets and saints. Different interpretation of the writings and, thereby, different faith. I went out and found my home (regardless of where I am today), perhaps you should do the same. Get off your high horse. Everyone has an opinion and a right to their opinion. Don't like it, let it be and be with those who share your opinion. While many churches have differing views, I'm pretty sure the majority want you to love your neighbour, no matter the differences. Perhaps you should take a look at yourself and take a look around you before you throw stones. We live in a world of choice and opportunity. We live in a world of freedome and in a world of rules. No rules are being broken except in your imaginary world of self-righteousness and indignant fury that the Catholic church, of all groups, should oppose your opinion. Just ignore them if you don't like it. No one's holding a gun to your head and making you listen or making you practice a faith you don't truly believe in. They aren't hurting you, they're just speaking their mind and standing up for their values. The same as you are. Except you can only do it by lodging a smear campain and throwing ignorant insults with little to no basis and as much (or little) intelligence and information.
It's about the same reaction you get when you hear about someone torturing a cat, dog, any pet and even really small children (not so much the teenagers it happens to, nor the adults). Man throws cat in washing machine? "We should throw HIM in a washing machine and see how he likes it!" "He deserves to die!" "I want to see him burn! The disgusting pig!" While I agree that it is deplorable and wrong of him to have done, it doesn't warrant similar action be done to him. Sure, it sounds nice and it would be fair, but it makes you no better than the man you're sentencing to death. You're just doing it from a self-righteous high horse, or (the case of the death penalty that these same people want to bring back just for these people that do these attrocious acts) behind the law as an authority pulling the trigger. You're no different, you just found a legal way to go about it. An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. Should they be punished? Sure. But who are we to do the punishing? What gives us the right? What makes us better? If you truly want to be better than the one who tortured the cat, then be smart and live your life well.
And stop lying to yourself. If you are going to church and receiving communion, it should be because you believe in what they are teaching and you live your faith. Not because someone told you that you should or because you were born into it. You have a choice. If we could all be honest with ourselves and with each other and if we could live and let live, the world would be a better place. By the way, look at the wars you've launched in the name of your beliefs. You're actually worse than the Catholic church you are condemning. They aren't forcibly trying to cram their beliefs down your throat. They're speaking out like anyone else. Throw your stones when they start killing people for supporting or turning to abortion. Oh, but please only bother throwing them when you stop killing in the name of your beliefs. If you think I should die for disagreeing with you and actually speaking instead of insulting; you first. But no, seriously, how can we be a world of freedom when everyone is still so intollerant?
I married a Catholic because he is a wonderful man. I go to church because I support my husband, not because the church told me I should. To me, marriage is supporting your spouse and their beliefs. As such, I will do my best. I will also raise my children Catholic. Not half-heartedly and hypocritically, but to the fullest of my capabilities and when they are old enough to think for themselves they can decide whether or not the religion is for them. If it is not, I hope that they will find their path and their home as I did in the religion I followed in my life without even realizing it. There is a home for everyone in this world and there is a belief system to support yours. You just have to find it. There are countless religions in the world. Enough that there is no need to be a hypocrite and no need to lie to yourself. You only hurt yourself by doing this, whether you realize it or not. Find peace and be content in your life so that you don't need to attack others who happen to live their lives differently.
There is no matter of politics here and it should never have even been made into a public debacle. It's a publicity stunt in a war of differing opinions meant to hurt the opposing view. Nothing more. Just because you don't hear about it on the internet or in the news doesn't mean normal people are not asked to forgo receiving communion. On the same token, why would the church feel the need to deny you communion if you weren't actively speaking against their teachings in a public setting in such that they hear about it? Obviously they can't deny you communion if they don't even know that you are against their teachings. If they knew, obviously they would ask you to desist. Because it's hypocritical and that is more hurtful to yourself and/or your soul than you believing in abortion or not.
By the way, in case anyone who wishes to condemn me over this has forgotten or doesn't know; I'm also persecuted by feminists for being a traitor to all women because I stated that I'd be as happy being a housewife as I would be earning money in a job. It's a choice people. Stop trying to force others to accept your choices and to do so without compromise. I don't even call myself Catholic and I still defend their right to voice their opinion the same as everyone else has that right (oh yeah, and I'm persecuted for being Catholic too, even though I can't help being born into the religion and don't identify with it). Oh yes! And lets not forget that I'm persecuted by still others because I am actually not against the idea of natural family planning. No sex for 1 or 2 weeks? Impossible! How dare they! You know, sex isn't everything. And all those couples cheating on each other because they've lost the "spark" in their sex lives? Ever thought that going without for a while might actually be beneficial in that it would make it more exciting and more electrifying when you actually do have sex with your spouse? It's rather like staying on your honeymoon, honestly. And don't forget to include being a traitor to women's rights because I don't agree with abortion, even though I couldn't care less if a woman did choose to abort. Did I miss anything? Probably.
We're a world of intolerance. A world of selfishness. A world of greed. A world of oppression and violence. A world of ignorance and idiocy. Where's the world of freedom we claim to be? Where's the world of peace? Of acceptance? Of loving ourselves and our neighbours? Of intelligence and enlightenment? I still don't wish to take part in this world we live in. I want to live in the world we claim to have, but in fact couldn't be further from. Humans are so sad.
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